I've tried falling asleep in an elevator in a train station in Verona, but we were kicked out before we had a chance. I might have dozed on and off afterwards, sitting on the concrete. Can't say that I have fallen asleep while driving, either. Boooring. I did fall asleep in the IRC once at UMBC the night before Zaira, our spanish friend, was scheduled to return to Spain. But the strangest places I've ever fell asleep were always other people's homes.
2.Who is the last person you spoke to on the phone?
Two days ago I called the Customer Service department of InterAmerican Products to find out if their "Ralphs" brand oats are gluten-free. They're not. Shame, shame.
3. What are your summer plans?
This summer, I plan to walk around the world in 30 days.
I cannot or will not plan that far ahead. At this point. Ask me later.
4. What was your first pet?
I am harboring a small tapeworm in my intestinal tract at the moment. His name is Walton Peston and he is about to die. But my first pet, ever, was a fish, or several fish, who consumed each other (I assume).
5. What did you have for breakfast?
Green tea and leftovers of baby greens, cheese, mushrooms, and vinegar.
6. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What a torturous question.
7. If you could trade lives with any person for one day, who would it be and why?
Just one day? Well, that's not so bad (or good. Whichever). Ummmmm, it's just too weird to think about having someone else's body.
8. Do you collect anything?
Yes. I collect varying things to a varying degree at varying times. Sheets of paper, magazine pictures, pieces of fabric, writing utensils, documents, websites, digital photographs, containers, rulers, analog clocks (so far I have just one), plant parts, etc. I may be clinically insane, but completely undiagnosed.
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