Sunday, April 19, 2020
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Eight Random Questions
1 .Where is the strangest place you've ever fallen asleep?
I've tried falling asleep in an elevator in a train station in Verona, but we were kicked out before we had a chance. I might have dozed on and off afterwards, sitting on the concrete. Can't say that I have fallen asleep while driving, either. Boooring. I did fall asleep in the IRC once at UMBC the night before Zaira, our spanish friend, was scheduled to return to Spain. But the strangest places I've ever fell asleep were always other people's homes.
2.Who is the last person you spoke to on the phone?
Two days ago I called the Customer Service department of InterAmerican Products to find out if their "Ralphs" brand oats are gluten-free. They're not. Shame, shame.
3. What are your summer plans?
This summer, I plan to walk around the world in 30 days.
I cannot or will not plan that far ahead. At this point. Ask me later.
4. What was your first pet?
I am harboring a small tapeworm in my intestinal tract at the moment. His name is Walton Peston and he is about to die. But my first pet, ever, was a fish, or several fish, who consumed each other (I assume).
5. What did you have for breakfast?
Green tea and leftovers of baby greens, cheese, mushrooms, and vinegar.
6. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What a torturous question.
7. If you could trade lives with any person for one day, who would it be and why?
Just one day? Well, that's not so bad (or good. Whichever). Ummmmm, it's just too weird to think about having someone else's body.
8. Do you collect anything?
Yes. I collect varying things to a varying degree at varying times. Sheets of paper, magazine pictures, pieces of fabric, writing utensils, documents, websites, digital photographs, containers, rulers, analog clocks (so far I have just one), plant parts, etc. I may be clinically insane, but completely undiagnosed.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Things I Can't and Can Do

Things I Can't Do
Things I Can Do
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Stuff They Should Have at Airports
1. shooting range
2. yoga classes
3. knitting lounge
4. playground
5. a gym with a pool and sauna with complimentary towels and soap
6. chess lounge
7. movie theater
8. speed-dating
9. sleeping-pod rental (like the ones in Japan)
10. a trampoline
11. balloon animals
12. a kitchen
13. a seamster/seamstress
14. a hair salon
15. a botanical garden
16. an off-leash dog park
17. doctors (animal, human, and alien)
18. Girl Scout cookies
19. free hugs from Elmo
20. computer repair
Monday, November 2, 2009
Writing Exercises to Eventually Do
Story starters
1. I could have avoided the whole bloody business if I had only . . .
2. The people at number 10 . . .
3. While shopping the other day, I'll be darned if I didn't come across . .
4. Every morning a crow comes and sits at my window. . .
Other stuff
1. Write a one-hundred word story using only one-syllable words.
2. Write a story that starts and ends with the same line.
3. What's in your fridge?
4. Write a story from an “odd news” headline.
5. Write a story revolving around a song title.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A List of Plants I Would Like To Grow
purely utilitarian

1. Philodendron - removes formaldehyde
2. Spider Plant - removes formaldehyde
3. Golden Pothos - removes formaldehyde
4. Gerbera Daisy - removes benzene
5. Chrysanthemum - removes benzene
6. Dracaena - removes crying children
7. Spathiphyllum - removes evil spirits
8. Parlor Palm - removes dirt
9. Bamboo Palm - looks almost the same as the Parlor Palm, doesn't it?
quick list of some more air-cleaning plants before we look at the cool ones
10. Boston Fern
11. Dwarf Date Palm
12. Weeping Fig
13. Corn
14. Areca Palm - maybe be the same as the previous palms listed. Who knows?
15. Lady Palm
16. Elephant Ear Philodendron
the cool plants
17. Croton
18. Pitcher Plants
19. Rafflesia - Literally smells like rotting meat in order to attract insects. Blooms for only a few days every couple of years. I painted a tropical textile design based on it in school once.
20. Succulent Pizza - a combination of colored pebbles and succulents
21. Green-Flowered Hedgehog Cactus
22. Any Succulents - Preferably in various combinations. Aren't they great?
23. Hens and Chicks - another succulent
24. Terrariums - These are by Paula Hayes from She also has living necklaces, bird projects, and more.
more to come!!!
Podcasts I Listen To
1. This American Life with Ira Glass
2. National Geographic Weekend
3. The Moth Podcast - thanks to my friend Sun for enlightening me
4. The Story with Dick Gordon
5. Fresh Air with Terry Gross
6. On Science - Although I wish they were longer than 15 minutes. How can you possibly discuss heart cell regeneration or how the brain perceives "God" in 15 minutes?
7. Wait Wait Don't Tell Me (The NPR Newsquiz)
8. Scientific American
9. The Kojo Nnamdi Show: Computer Guys & Gal - yeah, maybe I'm a dork, but they're funny
Monday, October 19, 2009
Favorite Designers
1. Kenzo - mixtures of patterns and fabrics
2. Matthew Williamson
3. Cakewalk - children's
4. Basso & Brooke - delicious detailed digitally printed fabric
5. Rodarte
6. Diane von Furstenberg
7. Alabama Chanin - denim, hand embroidery
8. Marc Jacobs
9. John Galliano
10. Denis Simachev
11. Andrew Mackenzie
12. Enrico Coveri
13. Romain Kremer
14. Cassette Playa
15. Hale Bob
16. Etro
17. Dangered
18. Jonathan Saunders
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Songs About Los Angeles
1. the weather 'Every Day is Exactly the Same' by Nine Inch Nails, pretty much
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Things I Don't Like
1. lint, that's why I've decided not to hang my clothes out to air-dry (and the time and wrinkles thing)
2. long nails
Note that anything that's not on this list I probably like, therefore, the list of things I like is much longer (plus whatever I already put on my post about things I like). Unless there are things that I'm on the fence about or don't care either way. Those can just go on the list of things I do like. So, no matter how long I make the list of things that I don't like, my list of things I do like will always be longer. That means I'm awesome.
2. long nails
Note that anything that's not on this list I probably like, therefore, the list of things I like is much longer (plus whatever I already put on my post about things I like). Unless there are things that I'm on the fence about or don't care either way. Those can just go on the list of things I do like. So, no matter how long I make the list of things that I don't like, my list of things I do like will always be longer. That means I'm awesome.
Monday, May 4, 2009
A Party in My Mouth
1. hardboiled egg and fresh tomato
...add your own!
2. pizza but with barbecue sauce instead of tomato sauce - MUCH better!
4. apples with peanut butter
5. cornish hens - Good no matter how u make them. You could slather them in benzene and they would taste delicious. And I'm picky about meat.
6. quince paste with cheese
7. brie wrapped in puff pastry, sprinkled with slivered almonds and honey and baked
8. hazelnut gelato
9. whole wheat bread topped with thin slices of butter and drizzled with honey - surprisingly cheap and unhealthy dessert
10. lagman - the way mommy makes it, thin pasta and cubed potatoes with a tomatoey sauce/broth
11. sashimi over rice
12. mashed potato stuffed inside a really fattening oily dough pastry - it's russian
13. croissants
14. croissants with cheese
15. well-made doughnuts
16. fresh mozzarella cheese with cucumbers and tomatoes
17. matar paneer
18. another indian dish I once had in the middle of nowhere least expected place on our roadtrip to California - it was orange
19. grilled eggplant
20. a good burger - Not too big, with high quality ingredients, not spilling out of itself. And make sure to balance it out with veggies, just like your mother taught you.
21. peas
22. green beans
23. baked salmon with a tad of soy sauce and garlic
24. almond-stuffed olives
...add your own!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
My Favorite Words
1. Croton
2. Obliterate
3. Riparian
4. Snappy "Make it snappy!"
2. Obliterate
3. Riparian
4. Snappy "Make it snappy!"
5. Salubrious
6. Subterfuge
7. Vacuous
8. Plucky
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Things to Do When It's Raining
1. collect the water to reuse
2. go outside with some soap to shower
3. cook a nice meal with your family and friends
4. go swimming outside (that way you won't care that it's raining, you'll be wet already)
5. have a party
6. make a worm compost bin and place previous event's leftovers inside. feel good.
2. go outside with some soap to shower
3. cook a nice meal with your family and friends
4. go swimming outside (that way you won't care that it's raining, you'll be wet already)
5. have a party
6. make a worm compost bin and place previous event's leftovers inside. feel good.
7. count the raindrops
8. eat some cheesecake
Friday, April 24, 2009
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